Why should a Christian,
saved by grace, be concerned with obeying the law? I mean after all aren’t we
just supposed to do the best we can with what we have? A lot of us have been
dealt difficult lives, we have baggage that is no fault of our own, surely God does not expect us to follow all these
laws! He loves us, he died for us, Jesus paid for our sins, I mean can I not
just do what I want?
Good question… lets pick
the thought apart.
In the Garden of
Eden man’s relationship to God was what some theologians call a “Covenant of
Works”. A covenant of works means if Adam did his part he could stay in eternal
communion with God; if Adam did not do his part he was condemned to eternal
separation from God. We must not get confused into thinking that Adam would
receive special treatment because of his obedience. God did not say, “Now Adam, if you will go two
years without eating of the tree I will give you a special treat. And if you go
5 years, then Adam, you will get an even more special treat. And Adam, believe
it or not, if you make it 10 years without eating of that one tree then I will
let you in.” Not even close. See Adam already had everything. He had all of God. Nothing held back from Adam. He
had it all. The only thing Adam had to do to stay was not eat of the one tree.
The one tree in
the middle of the Garden was not meant to be a punishment, it was meant to show
one thing and one thing only. That single tree represented God’s sovereign
reign over his people. That one tree said in essence, “I am God, I know what is
best; you are not, obey me out of love.” But the temptation from satan was,
“God is trying to hide something from you.” (Genesis 3:5) Satan won, (not
completely, it backfired on him, but he won this battle) Eve & Adam lost,
and here we are. Now we all view any law as, “Someone is trying to hold me down
and hide something from me.” But what if the opposite is true?
If you come to
Open Range Church this is going to be a little redundant, but you need to hear
it. What if the law was meant to set you free and not bind you down?
The saying goes,
“Father knows best.” And I have found that to be true. However, I did not find
it to be true by trusting the saying, I found it to be true by experience. Somewhere
in my late twenties, early thirties I found myself declaring the wisdom of my
dad a lot. A whole lot. Especially when I had kids. (I think I just heard him
say amen) It dawned on me was that he was not as big of a kill-joy as I thought
he was, he just wanted to protect me from pain. He wanted to keep me from
making mistakes. He wanted to set me free. He loved me. At the time I just
thought he was making up weird things to keep me from knowing all that he
knows. Trying to hold me back. I was a moron. Still am.
So let us tie all
this up. What if God, in his sovereignty wants to give us life, as Jesus said
he does? And the way he chooses to give us life is laws to live by. Laws to
protect us? And what if we stopped looking at the laws and what does or does
not apply and just trusted that he is good and that he is right and that he is
just and we can trust him? Now I know there are some weird laws in the bible,
you guys have pointed some out, but I am going to show you that even those
weird ones were laws of love. They may have been cultural, but they displayed
the sovereign love of God.
Now I am not
suggesting that we are supposed to obey all of the laws in the bible. Many of
those were for the Israelites in their day and age to protect them from harm
and danger. But what I am saying is we cannot dismiss the function of the law.
(More to come on that)
One more thing,
what if we believe that we have all of God? Every bit of him right here with us
through Jesus. No longer in a Covenant of Works, but now a Covenant of Grace.
Jesus paid the debt of the Covenant of Works, that’s done, now we get to live
in grace. We have it all. Nothing held back. No more to get on this earth. All
of him he gives to us. And in our obedience to the law we love him back. We
live in his peace. Think about this. And I will be back shortly.